White base color Floral print on Cotton Boota fabric for Women’s Kurta

MRP282.19 / mtr (incl. of all taxes)

  • GST Inclusive
  • GSM: 78
  • Color: White
  • Material: Cotton Boota
  • Width: 53 Inches

1 Meter(s) left in Stock

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Cotton is the most common type of fabric used to make t-shirts, but you have to remember that there are different types of cotton that can be used to make shirts. Cotton fibers are knitted or woven into luxurious fabrics such as velvet, chambray and velvet, as well as everyday fabrics such as jersey, flannel and corduroy. Cotton fabric has many properties that make it one of the most popular materials in the world. Cotton voile and cotton linen are the best fabrics for making baby clothes and sleepwear. Today, many people choose organic cotton because of the way it is produced. Wholesale cotton prints are soft, lightweight fabrics that are breathable and machine washable. Polyester is synthetic and includes fabrics such as nylon, acetate, and acrylic. It is also flexible, economical, potentially recyclable, and can be blended with cotton. Depending on the fabric’s composition, it can be washed, hand washed and dry cleaned. This fabric tends to snag and grip easily, making the lining a must-have. It also has a tendency to peel off, so be sure to overcast seams when sewing.

Additional Information

Weight / Unit0.1 kg
Fabric Quantity Alert

We insure that the minimum length of any running fabric is 2 meters or more




Cotton Boota




Difference In Color From Variable Product In case you need running fabric in one single piece of a particular length, please write the quantity of the required running fabric in the Remarks column of the Checkout Page


All The Taxes And Duties Of Their Respective Country Will Be Borne By The Customer.

Wash Care

Gentle Hand Wash



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